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Our Why Now!

Skate Info Network is an online Skate Entertainment Network serving the Skate Community from State to State and Internationally Recognized as a Powerhouse Platform providing skate videos, skate history, skate trivia, skate education, virtual skate parties and great skate conversations

We started as a small online Facebook Skate Group, right after losing one of our major skate homes that had some really amazing skate nights. One Day while having some fun with Central Park Skate Family, we struck up a conversation about what was going on in the community and how, not everyone was in the know, when it came to skate parties. If you didn't know the right people, you just didn't know.

Also, there were skaters that were not connected to Social Media, so for them the challenge was...who could they connect with to find out about local and out of town skate parties our DJ's or an Event Planner would coordinate.

From that, I created a group on social media. Not being all that familiar with the online presence of skaters, my vision to capture rinks, parties etc... was pretty much already a thing. Still, I continued to share content from others and crediting source. What set it apart was the conversations with skaters. We had Skate Talks early on and I would receive feedback from as far as UK. "Chelle… I really enjoy your group, and when I get home from work, I hop right on in and get myself a little bit of SIN" LOL. More recently, I was in conversation with a skater that shared, really digging the Skate Talks and sometimes long post that deliver a message to the community. Surely many can have conversations, and they do... so I take no credit other than being a voice in the skate community that will listen, and at time have a sideline mediation between skaters. While the network is not terribly busy in conversation these days...there is still activity that is simply getting out into the community and motivating during these troubled times. I will still review content and snap back a story, or schedule a pointed post that allows skaters to do deep dive discussions. All content is relevant to real world experiences, but from skaters eyes.

We do not like when people are rude, disrespectful or give off an air of negativity. NOT COOL. We also don't like when folks try to claim something that is not their own. That would include attempts to overwrite videos, and duplicate logos that can cause confusion to the skate community.

Yes, you can find skate information pretty much everywhere on social media, especially now. Life amid a "Global Pandemic" WHO KNEW!!! OMG We all will agree, that on some level, there are blurred lines with information, but at the same time, TRUE Skaters do maintain some semblance about themselves and walk in a zone of Courtesy and respecting Boundaries when it comes to how they present on Social Media.

Sk8infonetwork is a growing community, and despite a pandemic, Lady Flightroller continues to press forward to support the vision, mission and goals within the skate community, which is keeping it alive.

Our Online Facebook Group is a safe place where you can check in and stay in the know. The Skate Nation is large and embodies a network of skaters from all walks. Every home state is on FaceBook posting Sk8 Parties, Road Trips, etc. Our DJ's are making moves and crossing State Lines... can't keep up. With a Pandemic Lifestyle, we have adjusted and modified how we move in the Skate Community. Skate Park Sesh that are inclusive of Derby Skaters, Rink Skaters, Inline Skaters and even some Skateboards, scooters and Bikes. We are on the move as a community and have been able to transition our lives beyond the walls. Skaters are becoming innovative with their personal space, and creating Sheltered in Skate Spaces. Incredible we are. RIGHT!

At Sk8infonetwork, we want to see the skaters thrive and feel great about their skate experience. We know the rinks exist, and we pray they survive the long haul and can re-invent themselves and receive the skate community. We also seek to partner in small skate related projects to bring positive vibes to the community.

We are not acting as a One-Stop Shop for all your skate needs. We strive to support, uplift and motivate for the greater good. The Skate Community is Worldwide, and along the way... Lady Flightroller has met some pretty amazing folks from as far as Florida and onto Cali, and even met some wonderful folks from across the seas.

Sk8infonetwork is always seeking to add to the Volunteer Team so that we can expand and grow. At times the face of the team will undergo change. Change is constant and it's ok.

This site is live, but always going through changes as is our world of skating.

Thank You for stopping in. If you have ideas for the site, or have some amazing skills that would boost the site... feel free to reach out. We'd love to hear from you. This is not a job offer. Much like Facebook, groups have admins and moderators that volunteer their time to keep the movement going. We are just skaters that want to skate and Ride Tha Beat!

Please note: We are a resource network that provides, finds and will point you in the right direction. We don't claim to be expert in all domains with Rollerskating and will direct you to other online skate groups that also share globally, but have their mainstay within their community and sharing Skate Content from their Rinks. That's how you keep a Community Connected. My vision is to connect the Skaters that are the Powerhouses keeping Rollerskating Alive at every turn. When you find the Skaters, the rinks will follow.
Much Luv to you all!

Lady Flightroller
Stay Tuned to Sk8infonetwork
Where it's a SIN not to KNOW
Skateinfonetwork, LLC


Skate Information Network... The Original Brand
Skateinfonetwork, LLC
Where it's a S.I.N. not to KNOW!
