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Pandemic Sk8Lyfe is where we are right now. Let's keep Skaters Motivated. Keep Rollerskating ALIVE

  • Date:10/11/2020 06:00 AM - 10/26/2020 11:59 PM
  • Location Online Event


The Weather is cooling down and we do not know what is to come as cold/flu season strikes. 

Skate Parties are being dialed back to 50 skaters. 

National Parties will never be the same.  

We are slowly seeing the impact where travel restrictions are happening. Borders closed, quarantine days, contact tracers calling you, work place check-ins to ensure healthy work environment. 

What will skaters do? 

We've seen it go down since the Spring of 2020. Endless Announcements of cancelled Skate Parties, every month. 

But when the weather warmed up, we took to the streets. HECK, for some of us..that's where we started. 

We can't let the virus win... 

September is a wrap..

What does October Hold.

It is National RollerSkating Month. 

What Excitement will bestow us all. 

Let's have some fun

Create your own virtual skate experience. 

Photos, Videos, etc

Let's get motivated folks. 

Sk8InfoNetwork has some surprises for you. 



Skater's Pledge-you've seen the shirt. Now give us a video solo or with a group of skaters, your choice. (ie. Zoom Platform to create if you don't have a physical shared space to work from)  Contest opens October 11th 6am. All Entries must be submitted by October 24th 11:59pm

Winner will be announced on Halloween October 31st.

  • Originality
  • Quality
  • The Fun 
  • The Audience                                                                                            

By submitting you are agreeing that the content is apart of the network and can be used for marketing purposes. 

The Skate Audience will determine the winners via Poll

Make content that would articulate with both FB & IG

Prizes options include: (Individual)

Amazon Gift Card valued at $25, or

Skate Pledge T-Shirts, or 

2 free skate sessions (Cashapp) or

some other fun skate items we can find at the Network or amongst our great many Skaterpreneurs. 

Group Winners will receive an assorted prize package (TBD) as group size may vary.

Skaters who have product. If you want to be apart of the Networks Prize Option Skate Chest, direct message me. 

We do not expressly guarantee if or when your product will be included as a prize, so you have to also Stay Tuned. 

This is the Networks way of supporting the Skate Community. 

Much Luv to you all

Lady Flightroller @ Skate Info Network, LLC

New York Based Online Skate Community

Spreading Skate Luv Always