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Mission: For the Love of Rollerskating. To keep it alive, we must remain innovative and find new ways to create experiences for skaters. We have many Skate Influencers, Ambassadors that have over the years stepped up, to create those experiences. With that comes sacrifice to complete and bring to fruition that "AMAZING EVENT" so many skaters love. What is not know by many, are the pains taking step work involved to create the Magical Moments we all have come to love over the years.

  • Date:11/7/2021 10:03 PM
  • Location To Be Announced


Strike Zone: we want to be able to bring leaders from across the land and build a powerful system that not only brings the experience, the entertainment and fun, but also bring to the forefront, the business acumen that goes hand in hand with creating the experience. This is a daunting task and often times if not most of the time, challenges arise that sometimes make it seem impossible. We have a collective group of Skaters that have vested time, energies and monies into creating Skating Events. Some have run as long as 25 years. Hats off to them for the ability to stay steady. But how is this possible? It takes time, planning and having the right attitude and right team for any of this to be successful. Also, it requires a great deal of business smarts to pull off events in Cities that will have a surge of greater than 3000 skaters from all points of the world. I have also heard and seen first hand, stories of these systems colliding internally. You know... "That Crab in the barrel" whether it is by another skater or a business owner, whose sole interests is creating streams of income by any means necessary. Even it if means stepping on the toes of someone that has been supporting you the individual or the business. Sad. Then there are those who carry merchandise and like all business, it is a buyers market. No one has to invest in your product or support what you do. You have major business organizations out here that will tell you the same. To create a viable business, you have to stay innovative. In the roller skate community, it is no different, so how do you stay alive and maintain a sustainable business and steady customer base. The answer rest in those who have done it for decades. The reason to bring to the forefront a Skate Summit, is not an event designed for the general skate community, but rather for those who provide the venues, services and goods. We have Skate Vendors that are not just skaters, there are a cluster of skaters that are unique. They are Community Driven and Some are Financially Driven. We have skaters who partners with rinks to bring experiences to the skate community outside the scope of that rinks normal business routine. I was speaking with a promoter recently and learned that for one Friday Night Event at some rinks, if they are able to house 500 Skaters @ 10per, that's $5 right there. Do this for a couple of nights, coupled with family and private sessions, they've reached their goals, and have successful afforded themselves to pay staff, pay bills and secure revenue for any given month. I have seen for the love of greed, rinks snatching venues away from those who positioned themselves to support rink, and claim the name, or at least attempt the act. We hear stories of depression, domestic violence, cancer awareness and losses, poor health, especially at this time, post (well, during an active pandemic (we are still struggling with it) What my vision entails is a platform face to face or virtual, where the thought leaders, influencers, and ambassadors come together to learn the steps to create a skate business platform. One that would afford them to be apart of a larger system with certain rights and protections against those who will quietly walk in and take away all of the hard work. Create Resources for small business to have access to products that enhance their business platform. At the end of the day, regardless of how much you will post your merch on social media, people will deal with whom they chose to deal with and it is no reflection on who you are in the business. Macy's did not tell Gimbels their inside trade secrets, look who's standing. Not saying this is the right way to go, but if we are in the business of providing product and services to our skate community we must be solvent and with the ability to tap into resources that support growth amongst entrepreneurs When it comes to health & wellness, yes we too as skaters, we fall plague to mental illness, cancer, domestic violence and other illnesses. What tools do we need to empower someone coming into the business fresh, on ways to kick start their efforts to impact the Skate Community? A running work list of Themes to focus on Mental Wellness & Physical Fitness (Understanding Roller Skate Month from a National Perspective and why it was created) Why the American Heart Association supports Roller Skating as a sport/hobby in relation to wellness - but we struggle with Cities that refuse to provide adequate space to skaters but invest in projects like BMX, Skateboarding and other World Sports that carry big dollars. The Pandemic has caused a surge in sales and even the major heavy hitters that have been around since 1947 are now struggling with inventory to service the community demands. We have Small Business who wish to invest and give back, but are often met with challenges of gaining sponsorship, doing business with and other reasoning, we are not yet privy to A summit is not the do all be all of a solution, but it is a starting point where preliminary discussion can be.

Goals: Having those who have done it, and those who may have fundamental knowledge on how to safely navigate the skate world to continue the growth. We all know, the pioneers have to retire and who will continue the journey of progression in our World to maintain a Thriving Community of Skaters and sustaining the rich history of a Culture that is worthy of preserving. Change is needed, and it is believed this would be a perfect time to hit the ground running. We know that the conversations will have varying degrees of agreement, disagreement and that's ok. Also, we have to re-exam old ways of approaching how things move within the community and discuss a need for change where that may rest. We should take this as an opportunity to "Learn Forward" But before we undertake a project of this size, we have to ask ourselves, is this a realistic goal. We have to begin to factor in what it would take to secure speakers, location, and if face to face, what would be the offerings to encourage travel (what are the incentives) How will this be funded, who will we seek to sponsor any or all portions. How will this be packaged to present. More importantly, as mentioned before, this vision is not present in the Skate World. I have notes various parts what it can look like, but needing to flesh it out more. I first mentioned the concept of Skate Summit (TM) during an Interview with Sk8Kingz a few years ago, just to document that a vision existed. Other's may have this same thought, but not packaged in this manner. We need to come together as thought leaders, whether it's with 20+ years of 5 and under. We all should have a hand and say on how the community moves and to also protect the investments of the experiences brought to the skate world community. While The Network has not done Rink Promotions, coming from a City that was once a booming place filled with Rinks, we are pretty much a Ghost Town when it comes to Rinks. We have One Brick & Mortar standing on Staten Island that often times does not associate themselves as being apart of the 5 boroughs, and once upon a time, wanted to be voted out of the CITY mix. We have a Brooklyn Skate Scene, with newly renovated floors. Big Plus. Summer Skate Scene in Harlem's Riverbank State Park, Brooklyn's Dumbo Section "Pier 2 (waffle floor) TWA(Waffle floor) and a host of outdoor Hockey Spaces scattered about, Long Island U.S.A, in Massapequa. All within 45 minute to an hour reach. There are a few other locations, but it requires either carpooling or a bus trip.  Since we have lost all rinks, there has been not much for New Yorkers. The Pandemic Crisis, has opened a pathway for Skaters to enjoy the outdoor environment (Park Skating) Tennis Courts are our new summer skate space. 

Skate Info Network has a great Summer 2021 Summer Jam at the Courts for three separate Events, and a return in 2022.  Let's not forget, the collaboration at Playground 52 in Bronx, with the collaboration of other Bronx Skate Event Planners, that was a huge success for Bronx. A First ever in over 10 years. 

Skate Info Network will return in 2022 with the support/sponsor of M.S.B.L and Parks & Recreation Department to bring a bigger and better Summer Skate Jam at the Courts experience. We have 4 dates reserved over the Summer and are super excited to return.  

So you see, having a Summit amongst Coordinators would be important, so that all event planners, can come to the table to explore what exist, how to improve, enhance, incentivize, etc. and build upon what exist and protect/preserve for the sake of the Culture and Community (which is growing)