Josh Smith
S.I.N. Community Engagement (Moderator) - Chicago Ill.

Event Planner, Skate Instructor, Motivational Speaker, Skate Celebrity

He is truly passionate about Roller Skating and dedicated in the teaching to others. In listening to him in his live streams, it is clear he has a deep appreciation for the sport of Roller Skating and a desire to push forward and build up the Skate Community, one skater at a time. He is a motivational speaker, innovator and a source of empowerment.

Some know him personally, but most of us know him in the Skate Community for his magic on the floor. There is this one thing that only he has perfected and apart from his skate name or “Avatar” this one move stays etched in your mind forever. You can’t forget it. That damn roller skate trick, where he pushes the boot away from him and it goes on its journey, and like a boomerang, it finds its way back and he plants his foot in it as it rolls back to him. How he does it, heck if I know, but it’s a hell of a trick.

More recently… the envelop was pushed and he was ever so blessed to be in a major HBO Special. Yes… with John Legend as the Executive Producer… came “United Skates Documentary” and highlighting the threats to the last standing rinks and the constant threat of closure. It gave us a glimpse of our reality which still plagues us.

Josh Smith aka Batman Chicago, Ill.  S.I.N.  Community Engagement (Moderator)

You can also find him at