New Year- New World Experience- Where do we go from here
Hello Skaters,

2021 is underway and as far as Skate Parties go, it is in full swing, but with obvious modifiers that have changed the way in which we will experience the Roller Skating Landscape.

For the most part, we have seen most rinks be able to open and sustain their business. However, California seems to struggle with no rink options available to the community. Given they naturally have warmer weather, they haven't been hit as hard and still have access to resources, i.e. parks. North New Jersey just re-opened their rink after about a three month hiatus. The County of Newark, saw an influx of COVID cases, therefore, so a lot of stuff closed no sooner than they opened.

Branch Brook Park is finally back and serving the community with skating community once again. How wonderful is this. We will be joining then soon enough. You all know the challenges faced when trying to obtain tickets for various skate nights.

It's part of the New Normal that most skaters are not happy about. We are survivors. We got through a rough 2020.

To see the latest happenings with skaters, head on over to Skate Info Network, where you will find the greatest Skate Entertainment Platform ever.

We can only get better

Look out for great commentary on Black History Month- all about Skaters