About Us imageAbout Us imageAbout Us image
Our Why Now!

Skate Info Network is an online Skate Entertainment Network serving the Skate Community from State to State and Internationally Recognized as a Powerhouse Platform providing skate videos, skate history, skate trivia, skate education, virtual skate parties and great skate conversations

We started as a small online Facebook Skate Group, right after losing one of our major skate homes that had some really amazing skate nights. One Day while having some fun with Central Park Skate Family, we struck up a conversation about what was going on in the community and how, not everyone was in the know, when it came to skate parties. If you didn't know the right people, you just didn't know.

Also, there were skaters that were not connected to Social Media, so for them the challenge was...who could they connect with to find out about local and out of town skate parties our DJ's or an Event Planner would coordinate.

From that, I created a group on social media. Not being all that familiar with the online presence of skaters, my vision to capture rinks, parties etc... was pretty much already a thing. Still, I continued to share content from others and crediting source. What set it apart was the conversations with skaters. We had Skate Talks early on and I would receive feedback from as far as UK. "Chelle… I really enjoy your group, and when I get home from work, I hop right on in and get myself a little bit of SIN" LOL. More recently, I was in conversation with a skater that shared, really digging the Skate Talks and sometimes long post that deliver a message to the community. Surely many can have conversations, and they do... so I take no credit other than being a voice in the skate community that will listen, and at time have a sideline mediation between skaters. While the network is not terribly busy in conversation these days...there is still activity that is simply getting out into the community and motivating during these troubled times. I will still review content and snap back a story, or schedule a pointed post that allows skaters to do deep dive discussions. All content is relevant to real world experiences, but from skaters eyes.

We do not like when people are rude, disrespectful or give off an air of negativity. NOT COOL. We also don't like when folks try to claim something that is not their own. That would include attempts to overwrite videos, and duplicate logos that can cause confusion to the skate community.

Yes, you can find skate information pretty much everywhere on social media, especially now. Life amid a "Global Pandemic" WHO KNEW!!! OMG We all will agree, that on some level, there are blurred lines with information, but at the same time, TRUE Skaters do maintain some semblance about themselves and walk in a zone of Courtesy and respecting Boundaries when it comes to how they present on Social Media.

Sk8infonetwork is a growing community, and despite a pandemic, Lady Flightroller continues to press forward to support the vision, mission and goals within the skate community, which is keeping it alive.

Our Online Facebook Group is a safe place where you can check in and stay in the know. The Skate Nation is large and embodies a network of skaters from all walks. Every home state is on FaceBook posting Sk8 Parties, Road Trips, etc. Our DJ's are making moves and crossing State Lines... can't keep up. With a Pandemic Lifestyle, we have adjusted and modified how we move in the Skate Community. Skate Park Sesh that are inclusive of Derby Skaters, Rink Skaters, Inline Skaters and even some Skateboards, scooters and Bikes. We are on the move as a community and have been able to transition our lives beyond the walls. Skaters are becoming innovative with their personal space, and creating Sheltered in Skate Spaces. Incredible we are. RIGHT!

At Sk8infonetwork, we want to see the skaters thrive and feel great about their skate experience. We know the rinks exist, and we pray they survive the long haul and can re-invent themselves and receive the skate community. We also seek to partner in small skate related projects to bring positive vibes to the community.

We are not acting as a One-Stop Shop for all your skate needs. We strive to support, uplift and motivate for the greater good. The Skate Community is Worldwide, and along the way... Lady Flightroller has met some pretty amazing folks from as far as Florida and onto Cali, and even met some wonderful folks from across the seas.

Sk8infonetwork is always seeking to add to the Volunteer Team so that we can expand and grow. At times the face of the team will undergo change. Change is constant and it's ok.

This site is live, but always going through changes as is our world of skating.

Thank You for stopping in. If you have ideas for the site, or have some amazing skills that would boost the site... feel free to reach out. We'd love to hear from you. This is not a job offer. Much like Facebook, groups have admins and moderators that volunteer their time to keep the movement going. We are just skaters that want to skate and Ride Tha Beat!

Please note: We are a resource network that provides, finds and will point you in the right direction. We don't claim to be expert in all domains with Rollerskating and will direct you to other online skate groups that also share globally, but have their mainstay within their community and sharing Skate Content from their Rinks. That's how you keep a Community Connected. My vision is to connect the Skaters that are the Powerhouses keeping Rollerskating Alive at every turn. When you find the Skaters, the rinks will follow.
Much Luv to you all!

Lady Flightroller
Stay Tuned to Sk8infonetwork
Where it's a SIN not to KNOW
Skateinfonetwork, LLC


Skate Information Network... The Original Brand
Skateinfonetwork, LLC
Where it's a S.I.N. not to KNOW!


Lady Flightroller (Chelle Pollard)

CEO-Founder Community Advocate (North East Region)

Avid Roller Skater, and dedicated to supporting the mission of keep the art of roller skating alive along with the promotion of healthy Skater's Experiences.

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Richard Houston

S.I.N. Administrator - Jacksonville, Fla

CEO of Skate Your Case- Jacksonville Fla

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Charles Davis

S.I.N. Administrator- Columbia SC (South East Region)

Avid Skater, and Event Planner

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Josh Smith

S.I.N. Community Engagement (Moderator) - Chicago Ill.

Event Planner, Skate Instructor, Motivational Speaker, Skate Celebrity

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Lee Vargas

S.I.N. Community Engagement (Moderator) Round Rock, Texas

Rana Haze

S.I.N Community Engagement (Moderator) Tampa, Fla.

Brandi Tabor

S.I.N. Community Engagement- Moderator West Columbia S.C. 3 Fountains

Frank Patterson

S.I.N. Community Engagement (Moderator) West Columbia S.C.

Skaters Forum
Welcome to our new forum.
Here you can find a great community for sharing new ideas and talking about day to day life. Much like the Facebook Group, this forum is designed for skaters to have a more intimate discussion on topics that matter, exchange ideas, brainstorm, troubleshoot.

If you do not wish to post publicly, you may send your post to info@sk8infonetwork.com
We can post your comment anonymously.
  • New York, United States

Sagus, MA- Skating Rinks having no timetable to open


The Fate of Roller Skating. A place where people come together and have hours of fun while in motion. This rink owner invested 50k to prepare for opening to the skate community. While Rinks Open in other States that are currently facing uptick with COVID Cases, States that are not having the same crisis and having consistent decrease in cases and even less deaths, still face the daunting reality... "You Can't Open Yet" Rollerworld in Sagus, MA despite the updates, still faces the waiting game on when Government will give them the green light to open business.

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Legends Gala 2020 (Postponed)    DC-Gov Coronavirus Travel Updates

Legends Gala 2020 (Postponed) DC-Gov Coronavirus Travel Updates


Montgomery County just announced that they will be enforcing more stringent travel guidelines and event/venue capacity restrictions to reduce the spread of coronavirus. What does this mean for Legends Gala? The Show Must Go On! Right???

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NY- We Need to Skate Again


As I surf the many skate groups that have shown up since the dawn of a pandemic, we see many rinks in States that have not opened. I have been surveying skaters in my online skate group and what have learned is puzzling, but at the same time... "Understandable" with respect to States whose COVID numbers are low and manageable. Here in NY, we are in Phase 4 and doing pretty well for the most part. Businesses are reopening, but Rollerskating Establishments have not been given the green light to open. We see Skaters in the streets and in parks. We even have some that have become innovative and have made necessary modifications in their homes to house "Resident Skate Space" Skaters are converting portions of their home as into mini skating rinks for personal use. It's super cool, but for those that do not have this resource, living in apartments or with others, this is not an option. The Summer has afforded many to get out of their homes and get that much needed cardio workout. It's been great. Now that the Summer season is coming to an end...what do you think will happen to all of the sensation of street skating...and what will this look like on various Social Media Platforms? We need our Skating Rinks to Open, and of course... in the most responsible way. I have learned that in places like Nevada...they are only opening their doors to locals. They even have the flyers posted "Local Skaters Only due to COVID" It also seems they are checking ID's to assure patrons are from local communities and not out from out of town. I got a direct message from a skater that shared this very flyer and a supporting skate discussion in one of many skate group. It said, a neighboring state attempted to skate at a rink in another state and they were told they couldn't skate. They were turned away. This is INSANE. I'm not saying, I'm trying to get to Nevada, but WOW... "What about them Great Travel Skate to get to great Skate Parties. Never mind that for a moment. That's another who discussion. Right now, New Yorker's are being creative with space, and hitting up parks. As the Weather Turns, what will skaters do? We need our rinks

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Branch Brook Park Skating Rink IS BACK- Pandemic Sk8Lyfe

Branch Brook Park Skating Rink IS BACK- Pandemic Sk8Lyfe


Skaters LACE UP. The East Coast is slowing but surely getting Sk8Lyfe back. We were on Pause since March... OMG. We were locked out of not only rinks, but Parks as well. We had many Virtual Skate Nights, and saw the creative minds go to work to create Virtual Skate Survival. Lit Nation brought us their Skate Party online. Summer brought us back Park Skate Life... And Now... the moment has arrived. We Thank Management of Branch Brook and USA Skate for working tirelessly to create a safe skate space amid the global pandemic which still paints an uncertain future for us all. All I can say... LACE UP Y'all... It's Time Ta Ride Tha Beat!

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Can You See Us? Black Skate & Culture of a Community! We were ALWAYS Here


Spins, Jumps, Turns, Transitions, T-Stops, Power Slides... all the basics in Rollerskating. Add a little sauce to it and what we see is generations of skaters in the Black Communities, that have existed for decades. Watch this powerful segment featuring NY Skater and Founder of Skaterobics, Tanya Dean. She like so many of us, made it clear... we have always been here. We do, however thank the Social Media Skaters for finding their way to the streets and showing off skate moves... and Pandemic Life certainly played it's role in what we now see. 300% sales growth in the retail industry of skating. Folks are finding joy with eight wheels... Click Read More for the full story.

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St. Louis Outdoor Skate


Move Forward... Positive Impact. Roller Skate Park. Many States have allowed skaters to return to the hard wood floors. Two States are still struggling with Local Officials & State Gov't, while other States are in operation and following guidance. What we see here... is a community coming together and having conversations "meaningful at that" They have an Outdoor Skate Park. Click link read more

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In the NEWS!


In the Town of Waterbury, channel 12 decided to take a road trip and check out the scene at Roller Magic. The also have adult sessions, and word on the block... they are under new ownership, and it looks like Roller Magic is hear to stay

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Detroit Summer Skate at the Midway


Downtown Detroit receives an open-air roller rinks and more. Click Link for full story

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Great Day Skaters,

We have to ask all skaters to review and sign off on the Skater's Waiver Agreement.
We Thank You in advance for your support, participation and understanding. We also hope that today's skate experience is a great one.

Please take a moment to review the below waiver agreement.

We also keep your information confidential, and it is not shared or sold to any outside entity.

Thanks for Rollin' with us, at Skate Info Network, LLC

Join us on Social Media to stay up to date with the latest on Roller Skating in New York and Bronx Summer Skating

ATHLETIC/SPORTS PROGRAM WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY. READ BEFORE SIGNING Name of organization/Instructor: Skate Info Network, LLC 2022 WAIVER, All, participants must sign In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way in the Skate Info Network, LLC athletic/sports program, related events and activities, the undersigned acknowledge, appreciate and agree that: 1. The risk of injury from the activities involved in this program is significant, including the potential for permanent paralysis and death. And while particular rules, equipment and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious injury does exist; and, 2. I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASESES or others. And assume full responsibility for my participation; and, 3. I willingly agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation. If, however, I observe any unusual significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such attention of the nearest official immediately; and, 4. I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS Skate Info Network, LLC their officers, officials, agents, and or employees, whether paid or not, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers and if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the event (“Releasees”). WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to person or property. WHETHER ARISING FROM NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEEES OR OTHERWISE. 5. I HAVE READ THIS RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT, FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS, UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHT BY SIGNING IT, AND SIGN IT FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY WITHOUT INDUCEMENT. 

You've already responded.

You can submit this form only once.

In 2020, the community welcomed a Skate Pop Up. Who wants to roll again and have big fun... IN the Boogie Down Bronx. Join me at Skate Info Network. Send us a message and we will hit you up with the details.

It's a Skate Block Party-Boogie DOWN Bronx Style

These pages are devoted to showcasing the online social media skate group. When I created skate info network, I started surfing skate groups and looking for specific information.

Who the administrators were

How long the group was in existence

Is the skate group active, if not, how to connect and revive them somehow

Group Purpose

What was discovered, was a central theme among them all. They wanted to created an environment where skaters could join and get great skate stories, and potentially have a place where all skaters could visit and see the greatness that skating offers.

A lot of groups have been around for many years, and there are some that are newer. Skate Info Network is no different with the vision and mission. We've been around for little over a year, and it ran in ebbs and flows with respect to membership and overall activity. 

We even went through a partnership that was extremely short. Simply put... the visions were not connecting and the end goals were not in alignment. But this is ok. We are skaters, but are people who have unique visions, missions, goals that don't always line up with the next. 

This portion of the site, will feature the many unique groups and as you tap into them, you will see their uniqueness. 

Caution: all groups are "enter at your own risk" and they all have their own energy, vibes, and shenannigans. 

Under Construction

Skate Groups on Social MediaGrp sizeAdminCreatorLinkCreatedMembersStatus

All about that Classic Jam Lite

Skate Travel Group with Predestination & Lush Departure

Skate for Health-Health TIps

Funky Skate Production, Inc.

Houston Skaters

Skaters for the Peoples Climate March

NYC Soul Train Flash Mob


Sk8 Toy Drive 2015


4 of A Kind Skate Movement

Quad Lovers Sk8 Entertainment

Roxy Memories

Dorothy A Raftery

New York, New York

Marh 2012187 mbrs

Roxy Back in the day

2 Raw Spring Skate Jam 2020

Forgotten Roller Rinks of the Past 

Love some good skate music

Official Skate Page

Beauties of the Rink Oct 11-13 2019

DJ Mooneydee hottest Skate Jam/Skate Party

Roller Skating Now and Then

Old School Skaters- San Diego

London & Worldwide Sk8book

Artistic RollerDance Skaters

World on Wheels

Joi's Sk8-A-thon
Joi Lofton

Skate Groove Page pb


The Toe Stoppers

AZ Adult Roller Skating Parties

Skate Feast

UpSk8 Production102

Skatelyfe STL

Lit Nation
Malcolm Ellis

For Skaters by Skaters (buy/sell/trade)

Second Chance Skates where skate swag gets new life

Cenrtal Park Skate Circle
Robert Dea

Roller Dance Montreal
Jaimpaca Dutout

Skate Critic

Ginger Dawn Matthews

Skaters for the Peoples Climate March

Skaters News Network (SNN)

Nospmas, Sampson

CPDSA Fan Group

Rob Dea

Inline with Mr. Rogers


Bladers and Quads of NYC   ☆BAQO•NYC☆

Live Love Skate Academy

bladers and quads of nyc baqo nyc
Michael Robles

Skates U.S.

We Skate United

Generations Sk8s
Lionel Laurent

Skate Addiction

Millennium Skate World

Brooklyn Skates
John Crummey

I am sk8611

512 Crew

The Alamo Sk8 Connection

Sk8 Life

Rollerplex Brampton Ontario

Purshing Center, Lincoln Nebraska

Autism Skate & Smile Test Drive

Back 2 School Outdoor Roller Skate Party

Save Skateworld San Diego

Discovery Drive, Hamilton Ontario (Skate Rink)

Atl Original SkatersSouthernstate

Legends on the wood

Sk8 World 411

Roller Skate San Antonio

The Levittown Roller Rink

EZ Roller Reunion

The Skater's Exchange


USA Shuffle Skaters

Skate Community Group

Valley Late Skate

Southeast Shuffle Skaters

We Skate  
Paco Holmes

Skate Informaton Database
Chad Lankford

Showdown N Seatown
Pattison West

Roll Around Seatown
Tiffany Mason

USA Adult Night with DJ Arson
DJ Arson

Jeff Turner World
Jeff Turner

Ollies World (You Tube)

Skate lIke there's nobody there (You Tube)
Jay Ware

Skate Your Case
Richard Houston

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Arizona, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Arkansas, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

California, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Florida, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Georgia, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Illinois, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Louisiana, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Michigan, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

New York - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

North Carolina - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position (POSITION FILLED)

South Carolina, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Washington USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Texas, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Vermont, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Indiana, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Alabama, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Oklahoma, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

North Dakota, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Kentucky, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

New Jersey, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Maine, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Mississippi, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Maryland, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Washington, D.C., USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Tennessee, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Colorado, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Delaware, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Ohio, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Massachusetts, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Virginia, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Utah, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Nevada, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Connecticut, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Idaho, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Alaska, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Wyoming, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Nebraska, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

South Dakota, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position

Rhode Island, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position - Copy - Copy

Hawaii, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position - Copy - Copy

Missouri, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position - Copy - Copy

Kansas, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position - Copy - Copy

Oregon, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position - Copy - Copy

Wisconsin, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position - Copy - Copy

West Virginia, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now

Member Engagement-Volunteer Position - Copy - Copy

New Hampshire, USA - Volunteer
The Member Engagement Moderator is a vital role at Skate Info Network. In this role, you will be responsible to inspire and uplift skaters.  You don't just click the approval button to allow members in, you get involved.
It is very important that all members feel welcomed and safe. The world as we know it now is a bit wacky. We don't need it at the network.
In your role, you will be one of the principle moderators that is responsible for welcoming new skaters that appear to the right. You can create a welcome post. This should be done at least once monthly, ideally twice monthly, but this is not a job-job so once a month is cool. Depending on how active you are on social media, your time spent in the group should be no more than a couple of hours per week. You can pick and choose a post (or multiple) to follow and interact with. Give shout outs to for amazing videos that post in the group.
This role also has an element of you, to be creative in how you engage the skate audience.
You can also post content in real time. This role does not allow scheduled posting

Utilize the Team Chat for support when it is identified that a skater may be challenging in the group setting.

We want this person to feel at ease with the audience. We're all skaters. So all we ask is that you be respectful of others, give good vibes and have fun.

Must be a skater. Skill level .. all

Must be an active member at Sk8infonetwork for at least 6 months and have participated in discussions, as well as posting in group

Must be able to upload videos, pictures and create meaningful content, and respond to at least 5-10% of skaters post.

  1. Monitoring the pending post and making certain the post are appropriate for group
  2. Responsible for creating the welcome post and giving the skaters joining a shout out.
  3. Roll Call so that we are keeping up to date with skaters and where they are from.   City/State/Style
  4. Suggestion Box- Once a month- post a suggestion box to see what skaters are interested in knowing more about in the wider skate community.
Apply Now
Meet Steve Levine,

I knew of Steve from my skate days at Laces Skating Rink in New Hyde Park NY. He was a Skate Guard. I knew him, but at the same time, not.

Years later, our paths would cross at the very much missed "Hot Skates" Many great nights, with Fiyah music on a Friday Night with Supa Rockin' EKim.

Then our journey continued on at USA Skating Rink on Monday Nights. Mandatory Monday's is what they called them. Presently we are living life to a new drum beat when it comes to Roller Skating. We haven't had access to Skating Rinks since mid-March 2020.

But wait... Was Steve having a Clairvoyant moment in life. Back in September, he created his Garage Masterpiece. He created his very own personal skate space. OMG. Super cool right?
So fast forward...we are in NY Pause...so Steve is pretty ok if you ask me. He has the ability to skate whenever he choses. NICE!!

What are some other skaters doing in the community when it comes to being creative and figuring out how to beat this Cabin Fever and get their skate on?

Let's roll on over to Facebook and take a small peak at that fiyah set up


Steve... Thank You for being who you are and being an inspiring voice in the Skate Community.

Live, Love & RollerSkate

  •  11/8/2020 10:38 AM
  •  10/11/2020 06:00 AM - 10/26/2020 11:59 PM
  • Online Event

Pandemic Sk8Lyfe is where we are right now. Let's keep Skaters Motivated. Keep Rollerskating ALIVE

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  • Skater's Pledge- Straight Outta Columbia SC

  • Skater's Pledge- Straight Outta Texas

Sorry, registration has ended.

Mission: For the Love of Rollerskating. To keep it alive, we must remain innovative and find new ways to create experiences for skaters. We have many Skate Influencers, Ambassadors that have over the years stepped up, to create those experiences. With that comes sacrifice to complete and bring to fruition that "AMAZING EVENT" so many skaters love. What is not know by many, are the pains taking step work involved to create the Magical Moments we all have come to love over the years.Read More

  • Date: 11/7/2021 10:03 PM
  • Location To Be Announced

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